night swim

Wynn Nightlife

There’s a different type of energy that you experience when you are at XS Sunday Night Swim. The videos and marketing reflect just what it feels like to attend.

The most iconic night time pool party that will ever exist!

countdown 2014

In 2012, I realized many guest would attend night swim and not know it was only a pool party. The guest would stand around in nightclub attire and feel left out from the vibe.

I created XS’s first retail store outside on the pool deck. We sold over 80k worth or retail every year only operating during night swim events.

creator credits

Photographer / Videographer - Danny Mahoney, Nick Farrar, Michael Reilly, Mark Bricker

Have You Experienced Swimming Under Flames - Emilio Gonzales

Swim All Weekend - Emilio Gonzales

Only 2 Shows Remaining - Emilio Gonzales

Sunday Night Swim 2014 - Michael Reilly / Emilio Gonzales

Countdown 2014 - Emilio Gonzales

EBC Night Swim 2017 - Nick Farrar

EBC Night Swim - Nick Farrar

XS Sunday Night Swim - Emilio Gonzales

2018 Recap - Mark Bricker / Emilio Gonzales

XS Night Swim Retail Project - Nick Martini / Emilio Gonzales


xs anniversary


alec monopoly